Okay, so I was going to update LPS last night, but I fell asleep watching tv! So, I got up bright & early, got Derek off to work and got everything finished. It is now all updated. For some reason I thought today was May 1st, and was pleasantly surprised that it is only April 30th!! I actually got it updated EARLY!! So now I am back to finishing up my orders so I can get them shipped out. Have a great day everyone!! OH..... I almost forgot to mention....I am having a sale on patterns for 2 weeks...buy any pattern, get one free. Just e-mail me with want you want and we'll go from there. Offer expires on May 15th. Blessings until next time~~Jackie
Thursday, April 30, 2009
~~LPS is Updated~~
Okay, so I was going to update LPS last night, but I fell asleep watching tv! So, I got up bright & early, got Derek off to work and got everything finished. It is now all updated. For some reason I thought today was May 1st, and was pleasantly surprised that it is only April 30th!! I actually got it updated EARLY!! So now I am back to finishing up my orders so I can get them shipped out. Have a great day everyone!! OH..... I almost forgot to mention....I am having a sale on patterns for 2 weeks...buy any pattern, get one free. Just e-mail me with want you want and we'll go from there. Offer expires on May 15th. Blessings until next time~~Jackie
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
~~Lemon Poppy Seeds Update~~
Friday, April 24, 2009
~~Happy Friday Everyone~~
Boy~~I have had problems getting on my blog all week!! Thought maybe I had lost my page!! But here it is again....probably aol....it has been giving me problems for a year now, but it is all I know, so I am afraid to change everything over to something else. Sure would take care a lot of my headaches if I switched internet services, though. I've just been busy working on orders, and trying to get a little yard work done around here. I will work more on orders & things for my shows this morning after I get the kids off to school, then I will be back outside for a while enjoying the 80 degree temps we are supposed to have today!! Derek has to go to Indiana for work today, and won't be home until around 8 or 9 tonight, so I'm hoping to get lots done before he gets home. Tomorrow is Prom, so it will be another busy day. Maybe I will be able to just relax on Sunday for awhile. Well, I'm off to start my day~~~Have a great week end!! Blessings~~Jackie
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
~~Update Is Ready~~
I have been working non stop all day, and got the update finished a little early. I also finished 4 patterns that you can see on my Picture Trail or on Pattern Mart if you're interested. Please stop over on these sites to see what's new. Here is a peek at one of the new dollies. Blessings until next time~~Jackie
~~Update Will Be Tonight~~
Monday, April 13, 2009
~~New Goodes Coming Soon~~
I wanted to let you all know that I just finished 8 new dollies, and am working on 4 new patterns to release soon. I'm not sure if I will be putting them on LPS or on my Picture Trail yet. I guess it depends on how much I can get done. I have a few other things I wanted to get done before starting on some more orders. We'll see how it goes. I'll post again when I know for sure where I will be updating. Blessings until next time~~Jackie
Thursday, April 9, 2009
~~Easter Greetings~~
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
My Plants Are Shooting Up!
I can't wait to get these outside!! I can't believe how just a few days can make such a difference. It's time to get some potting soil and get some of these in bigger pots! This has been such a fun project to do with the girls. They check on them first thing every morning. I wonder if it will be so exciting when it comes time to pull the weeds?? For some reason, I think I may be alone in that part of the project. :-) That's okay, I need to get out of the house and outside more often, and most of them will be in large pots, so that should save on my back and knees. Well, I am off to get the last details done on some orders so I can get them shipped out and start on my new orders and work on some more new items. Have a great day!! Blessings~~Jackie
Monday, April 6, 2009
~Flea Market Finds~
We went to the local Flea Market and a garage sale this week end, & I thought I'd share a few things that I found. It is really dark & gloomy here today, so the pictures didn't turn out the best, but here is an idea.... I got a couple of flags, 8 feed sacks to make more dolls with, and a box full of old tin cups. I have a plan for the cups, but you will just have to wait until my upcoming shows to find out just what that is. :-) I also found several old crocks. They are just plain & simple, but I love them!! Now, I have to find the perfect spot for them. I think it may be time for Derek to make me a bucket bench, since we had to get rid of the ones I had when we moved. Now I am off to pack up some boxes that need to be shipped out today. Have a great day!! Blessings~~Jackie
Friday, April 3, 2009
New Update Is Finally Ready!!
I finally got my Lemon Poppy Shop updated!! I'm a couple of days late but it's finished!! It seems I'm running late alot lately, but I always seem to have a lot going on all time. Next week is the kids Spring Break, so maybe I can get a little more help with things around the house and get ahead of the game for a change. Or, more likely...I'll be running around with them more than usual. I have to take my daughter Courtney to look for her dress for her Junior Prom, so that should be fun. It's been a long time since I've been able to shop for one of them. Cassie went to several, but she's 22 now, so it's been a few years. I don't even want to say how long it's been since MINE!! Okay, I'm starting to get off on a rabbit trail. :-) So, if you want to go look at what I've been working on, just click on the link over on the left. Here's a little peek! Blessings until next time~~Jackie
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Update Coming Soon
I just wanted to let you know that I am hoping to update my LPS shop on Friday. I need a little more time to finish up a couple more things. I've been in the "Americana" mood, so look for mostly red, white & blue!! I will have to throw in a little mustard & brown too, since a lot of people seem to still love them as well.
Along with working on orders, updates and things to put away for my shows this Fall, the girls & I planted a few seeds to plant in pots and we plan to have a small garden. Here is what we have so far....the girls are so excited every day to see how the plants are sprouting up. It's amazing how they change so much in just a few hours!! We planted mostly things that I can use in my art... okra, corn, herbs & such. We are having lots of fun with this, since we haven't planted anything in a few years. As soon as it gets warm enough, we will be making some flower beds, too. I do not have a green thumb, and know next to nothing about flowers & plants, so this should be fun. We have lots of shade in the back, so if any of you have suggestions as to what flowers work best in shade, please let me know!! Blessings until next time~~Jackie