Whew!!! I have everything all ready for tonight to hit the button at 7 p.m.!! Here's just a little peek!! I didn't know if I'd make it since I woke up yeaterday to a terrible head cold!! I usually don't get sick, but somehow managed to catch a cold this time around!! I just stayed in bed most of the day with my work and managed to get things done in spite of this little bug!! A 2 hour napped helped!! : ) That's usually something that I never get either, and it sure felt good!! I may just take another this afternoon!! I may just get out the old Christmas movies and curl up under the nice warm covers & fall asleep to my favorite Christmas movie~~ The Little Drummer Boy, or my second favorite animated movie~~The Charlie Brown Christmas. No matter how old I get, I still have to watch them every year. : ) Hopefully, I won't sleep through my update!! Just kidding~~I'll set the alarm if I have to! Hope to "see" you there!! Blessings~~Jackie