I hope you have all been enjoying the beautiful weather as much as I have!! I have been taking my work out on the porch for the last week and have been loving it! I have been busy making things for the Settler's Fare show coming up on April 17th, but decided it has been way too long since I have updated my Picture Trail I hope you can take a minute to go see what I've been making. Also~~I am having a buy 1 pattern get 1 free sale for 2 DAYS ONLY!! Blessings until next time~~Jackie
How do we purchase the Buy one Get one? Do we email you here or send the money through paypal with our pattern choices? And... can we use the BOGO on pattern mart? Thanks!
Hi there~~ you can either e-mail me the patterns you want at tfcfolkart@aol.com, or if you purchase them from pattern mart, you will have to e-mail me the ones you want for free.
Thanks so much!
I went to Rebecca's Thyme yesterday and just love that place! It makes you feel at home right away, starting with the front porch chairs draped with old quilts. Very welcoming!
My favorite thing was all the prim dolls. :)
Love your work!
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