Wow!!! Worst snow of the season is right!!! We must have gotten a foot of snow since yesterday morning. We have drifts in our driveway 3 feet high!! This is the most snow I've seen in about 3 years, and frankly, I am not liking it too much!! It can't last too long though. If we can just get through Feb., it will be okay. I am so looking forward to seing the first flower buds peeking out of the ground!! This will be our first Spring at this house, so I can't wait to see what is already here, and make my flower bed up in the front of the house. I am thinking I want lots of Hollyhocks!! They are one of my favorite flowers, and I am hoping they grow good here. Well, enough about the weather!! I have been so busy working on shop orders, but I also threw in a few things for a small update, and am hoping to have them done on Thursday. I will post again to let you know for sure. Until then, stay safe & warm!! Blessings~~Jackie