Sunday, August 30, 2009
~~New Update~~
Thursday, August 27, 2009
~~Pattern Pack Now Available Individually~~
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A Few More Dolls
Friday, August 21, 2009
**New Christmas Pattern Pack**
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
~~2 New Patterns~~

Just a quick note to let you know that I listed 2 new patterns on Pattern Mart They are Cecelia & Mollie. I hope you like them!! Blessings until next time~~Jackie
Friday, August 14, 2009
We had a blast at the Fair last night, but I have to say, my body can't handle those rides like it used too, even though they didn't have any really big ones. The scrambler (or whatever they call it now-a-days) really did scramble me, and then as if I hadn't had enough, I went on the zero gravity with Grace and my head was spinning all night long. I loved the Hang Glider & the Umbrella ride. Well, except when I thought they were going to let us off at the bottom, but the proceeded to make us slowly go all the way around until we were the last off. Hillary laughed so hard when we were sitting on the tippy top....(I was almost hyper ventilating) I'm okay if it's moving, just don't stop me at the top, let alone make me inch my way up to the place I fear the most. But, like I said it was alot of fun...I'd do it again with the girls in a heart beat. By the way....Derek (aka the big chicken) stuffed himself full of gyros so he had an excuse not to go on any rides. He did keep my purse by his feet though. :-) Well, I'd better get going. Blessings until next time~~Jackie